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Episode 99

Human Design + Sexuality?
What your chart says about sex,
boundaries and relationships
with Cara Dempsey

hosted by clinical herbalist & integrative health educator Kay'aleya Hunnybee

Human Design + Sexuality?
What your chart says about sex,
boundaries and relationships

with intuitive life coach Cara Dempsey

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I know, I know... Human Design?


What could a system that reads more like an astrological birth chart mixed with the I Ching and Chakras have to do with our sexuality or relationships?

It's a fair question, and one I had, too. 

But today's guest, Cara Dempsey, shares about how learning Human Design (and especially understanding what her "Sacral Inner Authority" meant) completely transformed her relationship with not only her wombspace, but also her menstrual cycle and her libido. 

Well, cycle awareness practices had something to do with it, too.

The truth is, she lost most of her sexual desire postpartum, she was living a life oriented to hustle and productivity and her body was feeling the consequences, and she needed help. 

Fascinatingly, her deep dive into understanding her energetic patterns through both Human Design and cycle awareness helped her to listen to her body in ways she never had before, and begin to accept parts of herself she previously thought of as weaknesses. 

And as it turns out,

Human Design has a lot to say about how we may relate to our own sexuality, how we cultivate boundaries (sexually, in relationships, etc), and overall how we listen to our own selves. 

Whether or not you decide to explore it further, consider this an opportunity to reflect on archetypal energies - the inner authorities and energy centers especially - and how those may inform your growth into more of who you really are - beyond what society tell us we should be. 

Listen in to learn:

  • what Human Design is and where it originated from
  • how Cara's health transformed through learning Human Design + cycle awareness
  • what the inner authorities are and the 6 types
  • how learning your inner authority can support healthy boundaries
  • a deep dive into the sacral and root energy centers and what it means if they are "defined" or "undefined"
  • how Human Design can support your relationships and authentic sexual expression



Connect with Cara: 


DISCLAIMER: This podcast and blog is for educational purposes only, I am not providing any medical advice, I am not a medical practitioner, I’m an herbalist and in the US, there is no path to licensure for herbalists, so my role is as an herbal educator. Please do your own research and consult your healthcare provider for any personal health concerns.

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