Episode 73
Cyclical movement?
How to align your exercise
with the phases of your menstrual cycle
with Tara Lynn Steele
hosted by clinical herbalist & integrative health educator Kay'aleya Hunnybee

Cyclical movement? How to align your exercise with the phases of your menstrual cycle
with functional mobility coach Tara Lynn Steele
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Have you explored the world of cycle synching?
It's a concept that's been developed and popularized really over the past decade or so by some menstrual health influencers, but the truth is they were just tuning in to what our bodies already tell us.
The basics are that each phase of our cycles (menstrual, follicular, ovulatory and luteal) are characterized by different hormonal fluctuations and this impacts everything from our energy, to our sleep, to our appetite, to our attention and focus, to our facial features.
In other words, our cyclical hormones have a whole body, whole life impact and this also includes our ability to engage in different kinds of physical activity (yep, exercise).
So many of us try to stick to the same movement routine day after day or week after week, especially when we're actively training or trying hard to reach fitness goals.
But the reality is that if you start to listen more deeply to what you body is telling you in different phases, you'll probably start noticing that some weeks you just have less energy and you may want to be doing more floor-based or slow-but-strong exercises, whereas other weeks you're all in for cardio like running or dancing or a big hike.
While we're all unique (so it's always important to listen to your own body's signals), today's guest Tara Lynn Steele is a functional mobility coach who bridges the worlds of exercise and cyclical living into her practice.
She shares all about what she's learned and uncovered in both her own and her clients' bodies about
the most effective ways to "unleash your [cycle] superpowers" by aligning your movement to your cycle.
And since she's a joint mobility expert, she shares some tips on how to work *with* your hormones to enhance your joint stability, too.
Listen to learn:
- how to optimize your exercise based on the four phases of your menstrual cycle
- why cardio and weight lifting may feel more natural sometimes and restorative yoga might be calling to you other times
- when the best time to engage in social dancing, group exercise classes or community hikes is
- how your joint stability changes throughout your cycle
- when your body is primed to try new things and take risks
- some basics on how to stabilize your joints if you're hypermobile
- Book:
- Breath: The Science of A Lost Art by James Nestor - Barefoot shoes:
- Review article on multiple brands of barefoot shoes (including Vivo, which Tara Lynn mentioned) - Episode 5: How to tell if you're ovulating (and why it matters)
- Episode 17: Stress response and your cycle
- Episode 38: Your cycle is a vital sign
- Episode 66: What is your irregular cycle telling you?
- Episode 69: Cyclical archetypes with Em Dewey
- FREE GUIDE: Track your cycle with fertility awareness

Connect with Tara Lynn:
Check out her work:
- Steele Mobility
- Unleash Your Superpowers -
Monthly cyclic eating membership:
- Food for Your Phases
Connect with her on IG: @unleashyoursuperpowers
Connect on TikTok: @unleashyoursuperpowers
DISCLAIMER: This podcast and blog is for educational purposes only, I am not providing any medical advice, I am not a medical practitioner, I’m an herbalist and in the US, there is no path to licensure for herbalists, so my role is as an herbal educator. Please do your own research and consult your healthcare provider for any personal health concerns.
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