Track Your Cycle FREE guide

Episode 114

The story of your eggs, ovulation & the epic journey to your uterus and beyond

hosted by clinical herbalist & integrative health educator Kay'aleya Hunnybee

The story of your eggs, ovulation & the epic journey to your uterus and beyond

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As humans, we love stories.

And sometimes physiology can be boring and heady and unpalatable.

But what if we tell the story of what's happening instead?

What if we see the primordial germ cell that may become an oocyte and may ovulate and then travel from the ovary through the uterine tubes and beyond as an epic tale?


Honestly, I've fallen in love with physiology, and the burst of potential life that exists in our oocytes is as fascinating as it is mysterious. 

And that makes it... magic. In my mind, at least. 

Some might say we can understand it all scientifically, but can we?

In this episode I dive into my own version of what I see happening, from the original primordial germ cells we create when we're inside our mother's (or parent's) womb all the way to ovulation as adults and potential fertilization. 

I actually think this physiology is a good foundation whether you're trying to conceive or trying to avoid it...

it's the 101 (okay, well maybe 202) glimpse into what's actually happening, how it happens, and why it matters. 

This process is both scientific (and yes, I talk some researched science) and mystical. And I personally think it's best that way. 

Listen in to learn:

  • the scientific and mystical elements of eggs and their monthly journey
  • how and when your potential eggs start forming (hint: when you're an embryo)
  • the myth around the amount of eggs you have in your lifetime
  • what the process of oocyte development and ovulation looks like
  • what happens once the oocyte has ovulated (how does it get out?)
  • what your cervical fluid does to sperm
  • the myth about the fastest sperm being the one to fertilize the egg
  • what happens after fertilization



DISCLAIMER: This podcast is for educational purposes only, I am not providing any medical advice, I am not a medical practitioner, I’m an herbalist and in the US, there is no path to licensure for herbalists, so my role is as an herbal educator. Please do your own research and consult your healthcare provider for any personal health concerns.


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Learn to track your cycle and listen to your own body wisdom - Track Your Cycle Simply in 3 Easy Steps Guide (click here)  


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