Track Your Cycle the Natural Way FREE GUIDE

Episode 103

Growing herbs, garden dreaming,
& the healing power of
tending your ecology
with Xenia D'Ambrosi

hosted by clinical herbalist & integrative health educator Kay'aleya Hunnybee

Growing herbs, garden dreaming &
the power of tending your ecology

with flower and herb farmer & florist Xenia D'Ambrosi

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It's deep winter now.

The time of quietude, slow movement, deep nourishment, and dreaming and visioning.

And in the case of gardeners,

this is often the time of choosing seeds, planning gardens, considering any shifts or changes you might be considering for your landscape, maybe even learning new skills that can serve you next season. 

So it's the perfect time to bring flower and herb farmer Xenia D'Ambrosi of Sweet Earth Co onto the podcast to share her embodied knowledge around all things ecological gardening.

Xenia sees gardening as not just growing medicine or flowers or food. 

Instead, she considers gardening to be a way we can tend our local landscape to increase biodiversity, encourage pollinator habitat, restore damaged ecosystems, and ALSO provide benefit for us as humans, too. 

Her story is interesting.

She started out in corporate finance, but ended up as a professional gardener after a cancer diagnosis.

She credits having her hands in the soil and returning to seasonal gardening as a huge part of her healing process. 

And since then, she's devoted her life to not only gardening on her own, but also designing gardens and teaching how to garden. 

In our conversation we talk everything from her healing journey and the loss of meadows all the way to how to choose a location for your garden, which plants to start with and how to start hard-to-germinate seeds. 

She shares about which medicinal herbs she finds indispensable in her garden, and the myriad ways she works with them. 

It's an information packed, inspiring conversation.

Listen in to learn:

  • how Xenia's cancer diagnosis led her to the plants
  • about herbs as her "gateway plant"
  • what ecological gardening is and why thinking beyond typical gardens is important
  • why herbs are indispensable in her gardens, and which ones she loves most
  • how to choose a location for your garden and start planning
  • what she recommends for seed starting (hint: mimic nature)



Connect with Xenia: 


DISCLAIMER: This podcast and blog is for educational purposes only, I am not providing any medical advice, I am not a medical practitioner, I’m an herbalist and in the US, there is no path to licensure for herbalists, so my role is as an herbal educator. Please do your own research and consult your healthcare provider for any personal health concerns.

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